Born - Died 25th
October 1890

A coal miner in Essen, Germany, he died on 25th October 1890.
On 11th November 1854 he married Agnes Diedrichs.
She was born on 15th August 1834 and died on 5th November 1903. They had nine
children, seven of whom pre-deceased their mother. The surviving issue were:
1 Anna, who
married Theodor Brinkman
2 Heinrich Theodor
3 Wilhelm.
4 Gertrude, who married ----- Enkemeier.
5 Maria
exists a contract made at Wattenscheidt, Essen, 3rd November 1903 (Jacob MSS).
There were three principal parties to the contract, Agnes Ruhrmann (nee Diedrichs),
her son Heinrich Theodor Ruhrmann, her daughter Anna Brinkmann (nee Ruhrmann)
and her husband Theodor Brinkmann. Anna and Theodor Brinkmann agree to take
Agnes into their care, feed and house her for the rest of her days. In return
for this all her property, corporeal and incorporeal, would be granted to them
upon her death. An important part of this property was land. According to my
mother this constituted a valuable farm near the Dutch border. After her death
Gertrude was to receive 500 Marks, her sister Maria 900 Marks and Heinrich 1100
Marks. According to my mother Heinrich received a Gold 20 Thaler coin in lieu
of the 1100 Marks; she told me her parents had felt very bitter about this,
as they felt Heinrich had been duped by his sister. Apparent from the contract
is that Agnes was in receipt of an 'invalidity' pension and her son William
an accident pension. Perhaps he too had also been a miner who had been involved
in an accident.
MSS (Correspondence, Ahnentafel etc)