This family of Bell originated in . A pedigree will be given at a later date. There are many more letters and a number of deeds yet to be posted and I hope to be able to do this in due course. They are listed chronologically. Many of thia family became Quakers.
At the monthly meeting at Witney the 9th of ye 7th 1717
Daniel Bell of Tottenham and Elizabeth Sole of Chipping Norton declared their intentions of taking each other in marriage. The young man brought a certificate from his Father and Mother signifying their contents and also a certificate from the monthly meeting whereunto he belongs signifying that he is clear from all others in respect to marriage, and has been serviceable to them and of our exemplary conversation ever since his dwelling among them.
At ye monthly meeting at Witney ye 15th 8mo 1717 ‘ Daniel Bell and Elizabeth Sole having declared the second time their intentions of taking each other in marriage they appearing clear of all others in that respect also are exemplary in Life and Conversation therefore this Meeting do approve of their Proseedings and gives them Free Consent to consummate the sauve???same
WHEREAS it was agreed by Charter Party between Matthew Corr and Francis Walmsley, master of the ship Mercury that nine hundred pounds should be paid at sundry times by the said Matthew Corr to the said Francis Walmsley…NOW these presents are to certify that it is agreed by the said Matthew Corr and Francis Walmsley that at the said Matthew’s arrival at London from Jamaica that John Bell cheef owner of the said ship shall receive the freight due to the ship on account of the said sum of £900 and that if it should be more than £900 the said John Bell oblidges himself to pay the said over pluss to the said Matthew Corr of his order and likewise the said Matthew Corr oblidges himself to pay to the said John Bell so much as the freight of the said vessel may fall short of £900 and that the said Matthew Corr allows the said John Bell to charge for gathering in the freight usual commission and the said Matthew Corr oblidges himself to consign twenty or thirty hogshead of sugar to the said John Bell in order to pay any defishensay that the ships freight may fall short of £900 and the said John Bell to be accountable to the said Mathew Corr for the balance of the said sugars – as witness our hand this second day of October 1736
No 13 The charter party above mentioned was dated the 27nd August past.
Signed: Matthew Corr Francis Walmsley
Accounts of Matthew Corr
Oct 2 To 1/80 ship Mercury ffrancis
Walmsley and out set to Jamaica 157 - 2- 0
To 200 Insurance and do to do
2-10-0 ye 6 t 5 -
March 30 To 2oo ins on do from do
at 4 ye 6T 8 – 4- 6
to 200 Ins on Goods from do 8 –
to commission for Ins 400 at 4 ye 6 2-
to the hire of ship Mercury as
Charter Party 900
1080- 6- 6
to balance due to Mr Corre 14-17-11.5
1095- 04 -3.5
July 26 By net proceeds of 30 lili sugar
of Mercury of sales here sent 379- 06- 9
By ditto of one pipe of Wine 5- 4- 2.5
Aug 6 By 1/8 dividend of £26 q on the
Mercury ffrancis Walmsley 33-12-6
Sept 14 By freight made from Jamaica and ----
sent 677- 02- 0
1095- 04 –5.5
Errors and outstanding debts excepted.
London 15 1737
John Bell
London, August the 1st 1737
Sir, you may direct for me at my hours on stores Creek in Bath County in North Carolina. if you send good by way of Boston order them to be sent by way of Bear Creek or Cape Fair to me.
Michael Clark
Mr Bell London 2nd August 1737
What monies you shall have in your Hands for my use I desire you to invest in such goods as you shall think proper and to consign or send such goods to my brother in law – Michael Clark for me.
The mark T D of Thomas Denton.
Witness: Sam Fogg, John Scott.
Letter from Daniel Bell to his mother.
Was Ingstown 16 June ‘83 (1783)
I am too much pleased by the receipt of your very entertaining letter not to be gratified at an opportunity afforded me by one of the heaviest rains I ever saw (which detains me from a journey of business) of acknowledging it; it treats of every domestic occurrence (consequently of the most interesting) with so much spirit and ease that I read it over and over with pleasure not only for the information it contains, but for its merit as performance.
I intend replying every part of it in regular order and shall therefore avail
myself of opportunity as thy present;?? indeed from my avocations in business
and those attentions which are due to the most hospitable people in the wolrd,
they are not as payment as I could wish – I am gratified by your expressions
of concern at my departure and absence from home, I can truly say that I never
leave my near connections but with regret, being able to add with great sincereity,
that no person is more happy when with them, and which will always be the case
whilst tha delightful harmony and good understanding which has hitherto uninterruptedly
subsisted between us as a family remains; notwithstanding I feel a concern at
leaving home yet I candidly confess that I have an inexpressible joy in a visit
so this Kingdom where my affection and almost nearest interest have long been
centered and although I trust my attachment has charged its name and nature
from affection to a proper regard still I feel an unexpressible something which
at times when here makes me most happy and when absent frequently dulland out
of sdpirits – my exertions to get the better of it have hitherto proved
ineefectual, but knowing the advantage of settlement and wishing from principle
and inclanation to many, I hope most sincerely that some object may present
itself to drive from my recollection, the cause oif the greatest pleasure, and
the most severe pain that has ever fallen to my lot, therefore with these wishes
and good intentions it may perhaps not be long before I call forth the Pearl
Necklace – I am conscious of the justice of your remark on my thoughtfulness
and gravity when at home and perhaps the knowing it and wish to alter it is
one reason for its appearing more strongly, for I never came to the hill without
recollecting and without a determination to appear in spirits, but I find often
unaccountably to myself a gravity take possession of me; you must not judge
it to be a signal of unhappiness, on the contrary, I am often most happy when
that is the case and really I never pass my time so happily in England as when
at home; I account for it partly thus, that when engaged in a scene of business,
my attention is drawn from a recollection of the circumstance I have been writing
of on the other side,. which when I sit quietly down and my attention not ficed
on matters of particular importance, immediately recurs and produces a thoughfulness
and tho’ it may make me appear out of spirits, is at the time highly gratiufying
to me; my natural disposition has also a share in this matter as is certainly
grave and thoughtful; add to this, that I am anxious on all matters of business
– these causes combined, produce the appearance and effect which I know
you have all ,long remarked, I believe I have never had an opportunity of so
fully giving the reasonfor it; if what I have said serves to remove any doubts
from the mind of my friends from labor will not be lost nor my mother’s
patience perhaps tried in vain, by a long recital of my own affairs.-
Letter to Daniel Bell’s letter from Martin’s Lane.
Martin’s Lane
28th stmo 1798
My Dear Sister,
Thou being at this time in my mind as at many other times thou art, and my soul being filled with ye love of God at this time I did feel some drawings in my mind to advise Thee and that in ye love of God be midfull of ye day of thy Visitation; and not to spend the precious time in forgetfulness and neglkect of thy Duty unto ye Lord, but O Dear Sister be inwardly retired to ye Gift of God in thy own heart and center down in deep humility unto ye root of Life, yf so thou may come to witness ye baptising power of Jesus to baptise thee down into (sic) Death that so thou maybe dead unto Sin; that so thou may know ye old man with his deeds to be crucified, even all that yt would grieve ye holy spiriti of Jesus, that so being buned? with hi, by Babl;isme that like as he was raised from ye Dead, by ye Glory of the Father, even we also should walk in Newness of Life, ye old man with his deeds being put of ? and ye New Man which is created in Righteousness and holiness to be put on, and as we witness this we witness ye work of Regenration to be wrought in us and know a being born again of ye incorruptible Word, even ye word of God yt abideth and Endureth forever. Here is ye New Creation in Righteousness, a being created anew in Christ Jesus unto good Works. Then there will be no fellowship with ye unfruitful works of Darkness; there will be no delight in Pride and highmindedness, nor in Decking and adoring with superfluity, or vain fashions no no nor no Communion with ye spirit oif ye World yt leads into lightness, and into forgetfulness of God, into idle talking, or foolish Jesting. O my sister have thou no communion with them although they may beprofessers of ye truths, but rather let thy delight be in being inwardly retired unto ye Root of Life, that so thou may feel ye Sweet Streams of devine Life to Spring from yr Root to overshadow thy Soul, I know it is the delight of these ose yt have known of Work of Regeneration to tenter center down at the foot of Jesus to hear his gracious words to hear his divine Wisdom yt drops from him who is ye Spiritual Solomon, ye wise Leader of his People, O Blessed are all these who yt obey his voice yt mind his Wise Instructions, and his heavenly Counsell.. O my Soul is filled with ye love of God, ye Enfless Glory be given to his powerful Name forever. Loving Sister I desire thee to be concerned to spend ye prime and flower of thy time to ye honour of his worthy nbame that so when time here to thee shall be no more thou may have a dwelling place with him Eternatie in ye Heavens. So I rest thy? wellwishing and Affectionate Brother in ye Unchangeable Truth
Daniel Bell
letter from Daniel Bell to Lucy
My Dear Lucy,
When you are on a Visit in Town I consider you have to be within reach of communication and scarcely look on you as absent although deprived of the pleasure of your Society. I have been much engaged in writing this evening but snatch myself from my enjoyment to refer to my Jounal, to satisfy a feeling for some day excited?, at the Length of time you have been separated from us- My current Journal states that you left us on the 8th March for a week or two – six of those periods of time have elapsed and I perceive at this moment as little or rather as uncertain a prospect of return as when you first left us – At Catharine’s departure from home it was clearly understood that Mrs Strang’s stay could not be extended beyond Easter – Easter has passed and she (Catharine) is at Rome, with an expectation oif remaining there until about the end of the month – from the constitution of the Human Mind, such long absence and extended engagement are made in early life with all its uncertainties, but at an advanced age like mine I feel that long separations from those to whom we are tenderly attached become a very serious and important consideration.
If the society of my dear daughters was a matter of indifference to me I should not be as sensible as I am of the absence – I always incline to give to their inclinations and wishes a perfect freedom knowing how admirably they are regulated, but it would be inconsistent with the tender affection I bear to them and with the solid delight and pleasure I enjoy at home – if I should not be sensible of the absence of one at Rome, and the other at Tunbridge without a hearty wish that they were both with me.
I have a particular favour to ask of you at your return home and which is that you will resume your Painting.
The particular Talent as you have ought to be exercised and cultivated – I consider it in you and your sister as a Duty required of you; when you shall be deprived of me or of my power of exertion for the benfit of my Family, the exercise of every useful and profitable Talent may be required of you. In the hope that it may Operate as an encouragement to you I offer to sit to you for my portrait.
Dear Danny becomes every day more captivating and engageing.
Cathraine’s last letter was delivered to your mother when Danny was only with her – Your Mother exclaimed there’s a letter from dear Catharine.
Danny of his own accord said – I am so glad – I will hug Aunt Catharine and kiss her when she comes- Yesterday when taking his supper at our dinner time he sat opposite to Cathraine’s Portrait he called out suddenly and very loudly Dear Aunt Catharine repeating I will hug her and kiss her then turning to me he said if Aunt Catharine does not come tomorrow write her another letter –
He is intelligent and the progress of his Mind are extraordinary.
att Daniel Bell
Bond dated 1827 14th May
Joint and several bond in the penalty of £24000 conditioned for the payment of £12000 and interest after the rate of £4 cent per annum.
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents……….That we John Fulling Turner of Palermo in Sicily Esq and Charles Thurner and William Turner both of Naples in Italy Esq are hereby bound….unto Daniel Bell the younger of Wandsworth in the county of Surrey and Michael Turner the younger of plumstead in the county of Kent Esq in the penal sum of £24000…… sealed with our respective seals. Dated 14th May 1827.
Whereas by an indenture bearing even date with these presents and made or expected to be made between Michael Turner the elder and Mary Elizabeth his wife, Daniel Bell the elder and Elinor his wife and Elizabeth Turner of the first part, the said John Fulling Turner, Charles Turner and William Turner of the second part and the said Daniel Bell the younger and Michael Turner the younger of the third part… after reciting as is therein recited.. and reciting that the said
letter dated 21st February 1847
Bury Hill
To Daniel Bell Esq from A C Barclay
My Dear Mr Bell,
I return the roll of the descendants of David Barclay and Catherine Bell. I trust that the cloud, which now overshadows that longe portion devoted to the Gurneys may clear and the cross engrailed may again flourish.
I have compared the engraving of David Bell of Walthamstow with my water colour copy of the picture which must I conceive be the one which you possess.
As the portrait is absolutely the same I return it as some of your family who care more //// only relative to him than I am right/might probably like to have on??
I do none the less beg you to accept my best thanks for lending it to me.
I hope that in the fine weather should anything bring you into the neighbourhood that you will pass a day with us, when we can have a good gossip over our ancestors.
Very truly yours,
Arthur Kett Barclay
Letter from William Turner to Daniel Bell Esq.
25 Sept 1873
My dear cousin,
I cannot tell you how distressed I am at receiving your letter of the 19th inst because I am not in a position and have not the means of paying my interest at all as I have the greatest difficulty to provide for the strict requirements of the want of my own family with much self denial and economy. I assure you that I have studied the same economy in every respect since 1868 when as all the parties interested know that the whole prospects left ( as well as the property of us three brothers ) was lost by the failure of Prior Turner and Co. The capital was then entirely lost and all the family satisfied of the fact, most generously which(with) your own yourself waived all further claim of interest.
As this capital (which cannot be reproduced and the use whereof produced the interest whilst it existed) is all lost, I would fervently pray and hope that all our family whom I know to be just generous and kind hearted, will now with your consent most kindly join in an amicable agreement to cancel the bond and deed of trust forever, so as to prevent future serious disappointmenst and anxieties.
I will here point out the ruin and misery any movement in the matter would
cause without the remotest possivility of recovering any thing by it regretting
most deeply that I cannot meet your wishes.
First on any pressure to pay any amount I must close up our business its credit
would cease which credit with the good name we enjoy and our prudence has sustained
2nd my son Charlie would (with Fred who would also be obliged to close) be our if? employ our? preorngliss? let us hope that through your affectionate cooperation this old house always highly honoured and respected, may be spared such an end.
Mrs Turner and myself are not very well. We write with Charlie in kindest regards
to you and your carole?
Ever your affectionate cousin,
William Turner.
Letter dated 3rd September 1884
From John M Albright to Daniel Bell
Hazeldean Charlbury
Dear Friend,
Since my return home from Yorkshire on the 23rd ultimo, I have found many necessary things to attend to but have now the pleasure to enclose a verbative copy of the record of Wetiey??? Monthly Meeting in so far as they relate to the marriage of Daniel Bell sand Elizabeth Sole. I am satisfied from a careful search that there is no other entry whatever relating to this. If any ruenecry?? records exist I stated a good while since (perhaps in reply to Charles Hoyland’s letter of inquiry) that the post was or past war extaraby made to the monthly meeting of the solemisation of the marriages. This was a mistake on my part as I cannot find any such report about that time – Presentations of martriages were very frequent at that period. Friends being numerous. There was scarcely a mobnthly meeting held without such an occurrence.
Spelling then was very uncertain and often in correct. I should think but little of a trifling variation in the spelling of a name.
A worthy man truc???? 3 oir 4 generations back not noted for his accuracy in this respect, used to say ‘ he put letters enough and then people might pick and choose for themselves. I am sorry to have missed the pleasure of thy call at my…..
Thine truly
John M Albright.
letter from Susan Shaw to Daniel Bell
136 Abbey Road
Kilburn NW
December 8 1884
Dear Dan,
Louisa Demierres address is:
Richmond Hill
42 Rue de Golgotha
Yours sincerely,
Susan Shaw.
Letter is mourning black edged.
Friends Meeting House
12 Bishopsgate St Without
London EC
Ann Mercy Bell, who married Nathaniel Bell of York in 1731, was the daughter of Martin and Ann Ellwood of London. She was a Minister in the Society of Friends and died 1775.12.20 aged 69.
John Bell of Bromleys parents were Reynold and Ann Bell members of the Church of England.
He was born at Gill in the parish of Kirklinton Cumberland in 1681 – joined friends in his 15th year and settled in London. He became a minister amongst friends and travelled Holland, Germany and Scotland and married firstly Deborah, daughter of John Winn of Bradford Yorks (died 1736-8-2 aet 49). He resided there four years afterwards returned to London and married Margaret Ollive 1741-8-6, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth of London. He died at Bwinley? 1761-2-2 aet 80 and was buried at Radcliff. She died 1759-1-12 aet 73.
Know Posteriry that on 8th April in the year of grace 1757 the rambling remains
of the above John Dale were in the 86th year of his pilgramage laid upon his
two wives (sic)
This thing in life might raise some jealousy
Here all three lie together lovingly
But from embraces here no pleasure flows
Alike are here all human joys and woes
Here Sarah’s chiding John no longer hears
And old John’s rambling Sarah no more fears
A period’s come to all their toilsome lives
the good man’s quiet still are both his wives
Bakewell church yard.
A Testimony from Tottenham in weekly meeting in the county of Middlesex – concerning Daniel Bell
An Eminent and Worthy friend Daniel Bell was the son of Jonathan and Rebecca Bell of Cockermouth in Cumbria and both descended of reputable parents, and well esteemed in the Society.
He was born on 12th day of the 12th month of 1685 and being soberly and religiously instructed from his youth, was often favoured with the tendering and refreshing influence of Divine Love; so then when very young, he was frequently drawn to solitary places for retirement and prayer, and as he has several times occasionally mentioned, received his Resolutions to persevere in obedience to those early Reaches of Divine Grace and favor, and was often fully persuaded, that by continuing faithful therein, he should be conducted safely through the various occurrences that might attend himin this life; frequently remembering the importance of that solemn advice of Christ to his followers, seeketh ye first ye Kingdom of God and his Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. And as he continued faithful in Obedience, he found it effectually verified in himself.
Soon after his coming to London which was in the year 1703 he entered into an Apprenticeship; and his Circumspect and Religious Deportment drew the notice, and gained him affection of Solid Friends; and joining in an intimate conversation with cause of the most religious young men, they had many previous opportunities of Retirement together, to their mutual Edification; and Growth in the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which hindered not but promoted their success in what they engaged in, in temporal concerns.
He came forth in the ministry about the year 1705, and his service with it capacity was well received by Friends and others.
About the year 1708, he had a concern to visit his native country, and having obtained leave of his Master, and with the Concurrence of the Monthly meeting he belonged to, he set out from London the 25the of the second month 1708, accompanied by some friends, from thence to Uxbridge, where there was a burial which occasioned a large number of people, who were attentive to the testimony borne, and the Lord’s power was in dominion to the tendering of many souls, and one of the Friends accompanied him into Cumberland, visiting meetings in the casual Counties they passed through, where they had many tendering and comfortable seasons. And being come to his Father’s habitation he says:
‘My dear Parent received me with much gladness and that evening many friends came to see me, and our hearts were cemented together in the Enjoyment of Divine Love, which was largely shed abroad amongst us. Blessed are the God of Earth forever, who remembers his breathing seed. In the 3rd day morning I went to Pardsey Crag meeting and called to see our dear friends James Dickenson and wife who went to meeting and a glorious time we had to the joy and satisfaction of many. And tarrying some weeks in the County, I visited the meetings in general, where he had many comfortable seasons. and I accompanied several friends appointed to visit Families and had good satisfaction in ---- visit. The locas? owning Jover? did attend us in a wonderful manner, he was pleased to open the States of Friends Families very particularly to the edification of his people in the place when we came.’
At quarterly Meeting in Cumberland met our Friends John Bell in 1710 visited Meetings twin? in Kent, Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.
In 1711 visited most parts of England, Scotland and Ireland.
Returned to London April 1713 – in that year adjacent counties and Western.
1715 and 1718 in the South and West – in 1744 North East. In 1745, 6 and 7 the North and West. Last visit 1755.
Died 24th February 1758 at Tottenham. Buried at Winchmore Hill No 72.
Extract from Collection of Testimonies printed by Luke Hinde – George Yard 1760.
Paper of late 19th century.