Dead by 1350; late parson of the church of Bingham, 1350 Nottingham (CP40/363/549f)

SIBECEY, Edmund de:
A chaplain, 1348 Lincoln (KB27/351/1681f)

SIBERTON, William de:
A chaplain, 1355 Suffolk (CP40/381/8505)

SIBETON, John de:
Parson of the church of Irmynglond (Irmingland), 1321 Norfolk (KB27/245/61)

Abbess of Lacok, 1344 (CP40/337/447f)

SIBTHORP, Henry de:
Parson of the church of Eykeryng, 1325 Lincoln (KB27/262/313); also mentions Alice the parsonsmaid.

SIBTHORP, Thomas de:
Parson of the church of Bekyngham, 1332 Nottingham (CP40/290/144d)

SILKESTON, Robert de:
Parson of the church of Germerthorp, 1327 Lincoln (CP40/271/102f)

A chaplain, 1332 Cambridge (CP40/288/424d)

SIMON, Robert:
Parson of the church of Alenby (Allenby), 1294 Lincoln (CP40/106/51f)

SIMON, Master:
Parson of the church of Alesby, 1296 Lincoln (CP40/111/326f)

Parson of the church of Mellamby, 1354 York (KB27/377/3540)

Chancellor of St Peter’s, York, 20.1.1312 (Patent Roll)

SINGHAM, Hugh de:
Parson of the church of Gransete, 1294 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p120)

SISLONDE, John de:
Parson of a moiety of the church of Howe, 1306 Norfolk (CP40/160/85f)

SISTERNE, Alan de:
A chaplain, 1338 Norfolk (KB27/313/177)

The son of William de Skakelthorp, parson of the church of Panhale, 1332 York (CP40/288/406d)

SKARF, Simon:
Of Magna Driffeld (Great Driffield), a chaplain, 1327 York (CP40/271/3f)

A clerk, 1354 Suffolk (KB27/377/3517)

SKELTON, Thomas:
A chaplain, 1399 York (CP40/552/154f)

SKENDELBY, William de:
A chaplain, 1311 Cambridge (KB27/226/320)

SKERYNGTON, William de:
Parson of the church of Langleye, Lincoln 1324 (CP40/253/665d)

SKOT, Ralph:
See Scot; A clerk, 1366 Norfolk (KB27/421/70)

SKOT, Robert:
See Scot; A clerk, 1366 Norfolk (KB27/421/70)

SKYLL, Richard:
A chaplain, 1399 Dorset (CP40/552/111f)

SLAKE, Nicholas:
Parson of the church of Menele, 1399 Somerset (CP40/522/82)

SLEDMERE, William de:
A chaplain, 1327 York (CP40/271/82f)

Late parson of the church of Thyrnscogh (Thurnscoe), 1361 York (CP40/407/181f)

SLEFORD, Robert de:
A chaplain, 1341 Lincoln (KB27/326/193)

SMALE, John le:
A clerk, 1341 Worcester (KB27/326/72 & 148)

SMERT, Edmund:
Of Suthcreyk, a chaplain, 1332 Norfolk (CP40/288/271d)

SMETHE, Thomas:
Perpetual vicar of the church of Morton, 1459, Lincoln (BHA/203/73)

SMITH, John:
A chaplain, 1399 Worcester (CP40/522/61f)

SMITH, Richard:
Of Bishampton, a chaplain, 1380 (KB27/479/60f)

SMITH, Simon:
A chaplain, 1399 Northampton (AALT: CP40/552/387f)

SMITH, William:
Of Lollesworth, a chaplain, 1399 (CP40/522/25f)

SMYTH, John:
A chaplain, 1349 Buckingham (KB27/357/8780f)

SMYTH, John:
A chaplain, 1370 (KB27/440/30)

SMYTH, Laurence le:
A chaplain, 1341 Wiltshire (KB27/326/186)

SMYTH , Richard:
Of Matterestowe, a chaplain, 1347 Kent (CP40/352/34f)

SMYTH, Richard:
Of Colyngham (Collingham), a chaplain, 1370 Lincoln (CP40/437/2166)

SMYTH, Roger le:
Of Stowe St Mary, a chaplain, 1332 Lincoln (CP40/290/264)

SMYTH, Roger le:
A chaplain, 1354 Derby (KB27/377/3527)

SMYTH, Thomas:
Former parson of the church of Aldisford (Alderford), 1399 Norfolk (CP40/552/456f)

SMYTH, William le:
Of Wheston, a chaplain, 1341 Lincoln (KB27/326/200)

SMYTH, William son of Richard:
A chaplain, 1348 Lincoln (KB27/351/1710f)

SMYTH, William:
Of Haverhill, a chaplain, 1399 Suffolk (CP40/552/498f)