Parson of the church of Fundehale (Fundenhall), 1268 Norfolk (KB26/185/148f)

RIGGE, Walter de:
A chaplain, 1332 Lincoln (CP40/288/423d)

RIKTON, Thomas:
Parson of the church of Lughtburgh, 1399 Norfolk (CP40/552/273f)

RINGMERE, Walter de:
A chaplain, 1272 Sussex (JUST1/913/2010f)

RIPPLYNGHAM, Master Robert de:
Parson of the church of Lissington, 1309 York (CP40/174/308f)

RIS, Simon de:
A chaplain, 1266 York (KB26/176/128d)

Parson of the church of Adel, 1325 York (KB27/262/267)

RISTONE, Peter de:
A chaplain, 1338 York (CP40/313/449)

RISTON, Robert de:
Parson of the church of West Rasen, 1323 Northampton (CP40/247/21f), 1329 York (KB27/276/34)

ROBERT, Walter:
Parson of the church of Warbelton, 1399 Sussex (CP40/552/574f)

ROBINSON, Master William:
Chaplain to the Burley Chantry in Charring church, Kent, 6.4.1486 (FBR)

ROBYAS, Richard:
A chaplain, 1366 York (KB27/421/75)

ROBYAS, William:
A chaplain, 1366 York (KB27/421/75)

ROCCHALE, Reginald de:
A chaplain, 1329 Shropshire (KB27/276/61)

ROCHE, John de la:
Dead by 1338; of Ryoub, a chaplain, 1338 York (KB27/313/680)

ROCHE, Geoffrey:
Parson of the church of Wolston (Woolstone), 1370 Gloucester (KB27/440/86)

RODBURN, John de:
Parson of the church of Mursele, 1324 Warwick (CP40/253/13f)

RODERHAM, Richard de:
Parson of the church of Penyston (Penistone), 1348, York (KB27/351/1808f)

RODES, John de:
Dead by 1327; former parson of the church of Fenditton (Fen Ditton), 1327 Cambridge (CP40/269/109f)

RODESHAM, Andrew de:
A chaplain, 1329 Suffolk (KB27/276/74)

RODESTON, Roger de:
A chaplain, 1316 Northampton (KB27/213/11f)

ROGFOLD (?), John:
Parson of the church of Sudbury, 1354 Derby (KB27/377/3529)

ROKE, Geoffrey:
A chaplain, 1354 Derby (KB27/377/3514)

Parson of the church of Cressingham, 1390 Norfolk (KB27/515/7f & 57f)

ROLLESBY, Thomas de:
A clerk, 1311 Norfolk (CP40/185/232)

A chaplain, 1380 Lincoln (KB27/479/120f)

ROLLYNGE, Richard de:
A brother of the hospital of St Bartholomew next Sandwich, 1329 Kent (CP40/276/168)

ROMA, John de:
A King’s clerk, he lately held prebend in church of Mangecestr 22.3.1312 (Patent Roll)

ROMAYN, Nicholas le:
Former parson of the church of Stokton (Stockton) 1309 Hampshire (CP40/174/289f)

ROME, John de:
A chaplain, 1321 Derby (KB27/245/89)

ROMELY, Baldwyn de:
A chaplain, 1313/14 Cambridge (JUST 1/97/2969)

ROMENAL, Galfrid de:
Monk of St Trinity Canterbury (Christ Church), 1267 Kent (KB26/181/2010f)

ROMES’, Nicholas de:
Parson of the church of Stoke, 1267 Hampshire (KB26/181/1981f); see also under Romsey

RONABY, William de:
A chaplain, 1338 Lincoln (KB27/313/567)

RONCEBY, John de:
Parson of the church of Holtham, 1324 Lincoln (CP40/253/144f & 573d)

RONDICH, John de:
A chaplain, 1327 Warwick (CP40/268/11f)

RONDON’, William:
Parson of the church of the parish of Warsop’, 1399 Nottingham (CP40/552/546f)

RONECESTR’, John de:
A chaplain, 1311 Warwick (KB27/226/321)

RONGHAM, John de:
A chaplain, 1332 Suffolk (CP40/288/293d)

ROOS, Robert de:
Parson of the church of Chilton, late parson of the church of Stratton St Mary, 1344 Somerset (CP40/337/561f)

ROPLEY, John de:
Parson of the church of King’s Wurthy, 1297 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p288)

ROPPELE, William de:
Dead by 1324; former parson of the church of Bereford St Michael, 1324 (CP40/253/772f)

ROS, Master Robert de:
Parson of the church of Haldham, 1297 Hereford (CP40/118/238f)

ROS, Master Robert de:
Parson of the church of Haldham (Hadham), 1294 Hertford (CP40/106/540f)

ROS, Master Robert de:
Canon of the church of St Paul’s, London, 1306 Essex (CP40/158/441f)

Vicar of the church of Yvele, 1349 Somerset (KB27/357/8801f & 8766f)

ROSSEDALE, Robert de:
Parson of the church of Whytson, 1399 York (CP40/552/463f)

ROSTON, William son of Richard:
Dead by 1361; a chaplain, 1361 Lincoln (CP40/407/156f)

ROTHE, Stephen atte:
A chaplain, 1362 Bedford (CP40/408/9f)

Late vicar of the church of Brackele, 1399 Lincoln (CP40/552/347f)

ROTHEWELL, Richard de:
Parson of the church of Norton, 1297 Northampton (CP40/118/3f)

ROTHEWELL, William de:
A clerk, 1355 Buckingham (CP40/381/8515)

ROTUS, Richard:
Vicar of the church of Brynyngston, 1354 York (KB27/377/3540)

ROUCESTRE, Richard de:
Parson of the church of Brauncestre, 1311 Essex (CP40/185/315)

ROUGHAM, John de:
A chaplain, 1332 Suffolk (CP40/290/59d), 1334 Suffolk (CP40/297/145f)

ROUGTON, John de:
A chaplain, 1332 Suffolk (CP40/290/59d)