PECCHE, Simon:
Parson of the church of Croxton, 1327 Essex (CP40/269/175f)

PECCHAM, Walter de:
Parson of the church of Terring, 1294 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p120); Parson of the church of Terryng’, 1327 Hampshire (CP40/268/58d)

PECHE, Hamo:
Parson of the church of Ereswelle, 1296 Suffolk (CP40/106/190f)

PECKE, John:
Of Ryngsted (Ringstead), a chaplain, 1380 Northampton (KB27/479/228f)

PEDLER, William:
Of Salisbury, a chaplain, 1399 Dorset (CP40/552/173f)

PEEL, Gilbert:
Parson of the church of Bredweys, 1361 Dorset (CP40/407/357f)

PEKHAM, Elias de:
A clerk, 1273-1275 Kent (JUST1/1225/3282)

PELTER, John le:
A chaplain, of Burton, he had a brother Robert, 1321 Stafford (KB27/245/117), 1324 Stafford (CP40/253/81f)

PENART, Master Robert de:
Parson of the church of Kyngeston, 1294 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p120)

Vicar of the parish church of Colrede, in Canterbury diocese, 1399 London

PENMORE, John de:
A chaplain, 1332 Worcester (CP40/288/15)

PENNE, Robert:
Late parson of the church of Fytilton (Fittleton), 1362 Berkshire (CP40/408/15f)

PENNE, Roger de:
Vicar of the church of Twyford, 1334 Hampshire (CP40/297/22f), Twyford iuxta Wynton (Twyford next Winton), 1338 Hampshire (CP40/313/212)

A chaplain, 1327 Gloucester (CP40/268/55d) (CP40/269/52f)

PENTELOWE, Robert de:
Parson of the church of Stokeflemynge (Stoke Fleming), 1324 Devon (CP40/253/602d)

A chaplain, 1332 Suffolk (CP40/290/134d), 1338 Suffolk (CP40/313/219)

PENY, Nicholas:
A chaplain, 1353 Kent (KB27/373/1373f)

PENY, Nicholas:
Late rector of Queningate, Canterbury, Kent, 24.9.1378 (CKS: CCA-DCc-ChAnt/Z/162)

PERCY, John de:
Parson of the church of Quadring, 1338 Northumberland (KB27/313/619)

PERCY, John:
Of Coventry, a chaplain, 1353 Warwick (KB27/373/1417f)

PERCY, William de:
Parson of the church of Burne, 1296 York (CP40/111/36f) 1296 Sussex (CP40/111/137f)

PERCY, William de:
Parson of the church of Fol-e, 1311 Buckingham (CP40/185/233)

PERES, William:
A chaplain, 1350 Somerset (CP40/363/513f)

PENEBRUGG’, Thomas de:
Treasurer of the church of St Ethelward, Hereford, 1323 (CP40/247/55f)

PENRITH, Richard de:
Parson of the church of Depham Norwich, 1359 Essex (CP40/400/9188f)

Parson of the church of Thwayt, 1298 Essex (CP40/122/293f)

PENTELON, Robert de:
Parson of the church of Stokeflemyng (Stoke Fleming), 1332 Devon (CP40/290/492)

PERCY, William de:
Canon of the church of St. Peter, York, and parson of the churches of Cattone, Semere, Naffreton, Holm, Calverton, Brightwell, Langeford, and Burne (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p267)

PEROT, John:
Parson of the church of Hoton, 1332 York (CP40/290/44)

PERTE, Galfrid:
A chaplain, 1309 Essex (CP40/174/170f)

PERTRE, Thomas del:
A chaplain, of Claxton, 1309 Norfolk (CP40/174/292f)

PESSE, Master Adam de:
Parson of the church of Rudstayn, 1332 York (CP40/290/34d)

PESTOUR, Richard:
Of Newport, a chaplain, 1353 Shropshire (KB27/373/1541f)

PET, William:
A chaplain, 1332 Worcester (CP40/290/100d)

PETCHAM, Walter de:
Parson of the church of Terryng, 1324 Hampshire (CP40/253/27d), 1324 Sussex (CP40/253/122d). See under Petham.

PETHAM, Walter de:
Parson of the church of Torrington, 1324 Sussex (CP40/253/481d). See under Petcham

PETHAM, Walter de:
Parson of the church of Terryng (Tarring), 1332 Sussex (CP40/288/59)

Of Colchester, a chaplain, 1309 Essex (CP40/174/239f)

PETIT, Stephen:
Parson of the church of Lound, 1332 Suffolk (CP40/290/450)

PETLYNG, Robert:
Vicar of the church of Drayton Hales, 1298 Shropshire (CP40/122/396f)

PEVEL, William:
Parson of the church of Blechinton (Blatchington), 1294 Sussex (CP40/106/597f)

PEVENES, Ralph son of Ralph de:
Parson of the church of Boleme, 1327 Essex (CP40/269/149f)

PEVEREL, John son of John:
Parson of the church of Stothowe, 1338 Norfolk (KB27/313/598)

PEYDEFER, Richard de:
Parson of the church of Wyppyngham in Insula Vecta (Whippingham in the Isle of White), 1370 Hampshire (CP40/437/3026)

PEYL, Roger:
Of Caxham, a chaplain, 1332 Leicester (CP40/288/375d)

Of Cotton, a chaplain, 1324 Suffolk (CP40/253/596d)

Parson of the church of Wrabbenesse, 1329 Suffolk (CP40/276/163)

PHELIP, Robert son of Robert:
Of Brokedish, a chaplain, 1298 Northampton (CP40/122/47f)

PHELIP, William:
A chaplain 1338 Derby (CP40/313/88)

PHESAUNT, William:
A chaplain, 1380 Suffolk (KB27/479/27f)

Parson of the church of Malling, 9 Edward I (1280/81) Kent (JUST1/1226/3370)

Parson of the church of Byntelworth (Bentworth), 1296 Hampshire (CP40/111/130f)

Parson of the church of Cubberleye, 1297 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p275)

Parson of the church of Flempton, 1298 Suffolk (CP40/153/632f)

Parson of the church of Capelle le Marie of Uckerby, 1306 York (CP40/158/563f)

Dead by 1324; former parson of the church of While, 1324 Hereford (CP40/253/234d)

Parson of the church of Brassyngburgh, 1325 Lincoln (KB27/262/207)

Parson of the church of Brassyngburgh, 1329 (KB27/276/5)

Vicar of the church of St Monachor of Hertford, 1338 Hertford (CP40/313/210)

PHILIP, Gregory ap:
Vicar of the church of Bergeveny, diocese of Llandaff, 1406 (PR: Rich II, Vol 3, p116)

PHIPTON, John de:
Parson of the church of St Martin, Fincham, 1306 Norfolk (CP40/158/488f)

PICOT, Richard:
Late parson of the church of Benyngton (Benington), 1348 Hertford (KB27/351/1777f)

PINNOCK, Nicholas:
Parson of the church of Uplyn, 1344 Wiltshire, Suffolk & Cambridge (CP40/337/676f)

PICKERING, Richard de:
Parson of the church of Burton in Hendale, 1344 (CP40/337/423f)

PIKERING, Robert de:
Canon of St Peter’s York, 20.1.1312 (Patent Roll)

PICKERING, William de:
King’s clerk, dean of church of St Peter in York 20.1.1312 (Patent Roll)

A chaplain, 1325 Kent (KB27/262/186)

PIKET, Reginald:
Parson of the church of Creye Paulini (St Paul’s Craye), Kent 1293 (JUST1/373/1440f)

PIKHALE, Henry de:
A chaplain, 1324 York (CP40/253/530f)

PILLONDE, William de:
Parson of the church of Kington, 1323 (AALT: E368/93)

PILLAUNDE, William de:
Parson of the church of Kyngestone (Kingston), 1332 Devon (CP40/290/142d)

PILTON, Humphrey de:
A chaplain, 1324 Devon (CP40/253/471f)

PIRYE, Thomas:
A chaplain of Aytrop Rothing, 1399 Essex (CP40/552/158f)