LACOK, Hugh de:
A chaplain, 1354 Wiltshire (KB27/377/3530)

LACY, Henry de:
Parson of the church of Barton, 1306 Bedford (CP40/158/270f)

LACY, John de:
Of the March, parson of the church of Lathebury, 1294 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p120)

LACY, John de:
Parson of the church of St John’s Dokesworth, 1309 Cambridge (CP40/174/374f), 1323 Cambridge (CP40/247/7d)

LACY, Master Robert de:
Parson of the church of Barton, parson of the church of Earls Barton, 1316 (PR: Edw II, Vol 2, p399)

LADDE, Richard:
A chaplain, 1313 Suffolk (OB27/213/142f)

LAFORDE, Thomas de:
Parson of the church of Kentesbury (Kentisbury), 1309 Devon (CP40/174/162f)

LAKYNHETH, William de:
A chaplain, 1316-1349 (SJCA.D7.257)

LAMELE, Henry de:
Parson of the church of Bokeland (Buckland), 1332 Kent (CP40/290/140d)

Parson of the church of Pilketon, 1324 Lancaster (CP40/253/608d)

Parson of the church of Wytnesham (Wittersham), 1332 Kent (CP40/288/165d)

LAMBERD, Michael:
Of Stalyngburgh, a chaplain, 1399 Lincoln (CP40/552/508f)

LAMBERT, William:
A chaplain, 1341 Kent (KB27/326/172)

LAMBET, William:
A chaplain, 1341 Kent (KB27/326/218)

LAMBOURNE, Thomas de:
A chaplain, 1306 Essex (CP40/160/196f)

Rector of the church of Slindon, Sussex, 1396-1408 (CCA-U4/4/143)

LANE, Clement atte:
A chaplain, 1381 Norfolk (CP40/381/8706)

LANE, John:
Of Winchester diocese, a chaplain, 25.10.1397 (CKS: CCA-DCc-ChAnt/W/236)

A clerk, 1355 Devon (KB27/378/4025)

LANGELE, Edmund de:
Parson of the church of Wolfhamcote, 1297 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p288)

LANGELE, Philip de:
Vicar of the church of Camerwelle (Camberwell), 1324 Surrey (CP40/253/89f)

Parson of the church of Laxton, 1327 Nottingham (CP40/269/70f)

Parson of the church of Herdeby iuxta Welvern, 1324 Nottingham (CP40/253/670d)

LANGETOFT, Stephen de:
A chaplain, 1355 York (CP40/381/8743)

LANGETON, Henry de:
Parson of the church of Stok Magdalene, 1297 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p275)

LANGETON, John de:
Parson of the church of Bulmere, 1324 York (CP40/253/317f), 1325 York (KB27/262/208)

LANGETON, John de:
A clerk, 1325 Bedford (KB27/262/358)

LANGETON, John de:
Parson of the church of Langeton, 1332 Leicester (CP40/290/221)

LANGETON, John de:
A clerk, 1341 Bedford (KB27/326/207)

LANGETON, John de:
Parson of the church of Nettelstede (Nettlestead), 1341 Leicester (KB27/326/209)

LANGETON, Robert de:
Vicar of the church of Reycolvere, 1399 Cambridge (CP40/552/294f)

LANGETON, Thomas de:
A clerk, 1341 Leicester (KB27/326/52)

LANGETON, William de:
Parson of the church of Stibbington, 1323 Huntingdon (CP40/247/56d); 1324 Huntingdon (CP40/253/248d)

LANGETON, William de:
A clerk, 1354 York (KB27/377/3540)

A chaplain, 1390 Gloucester (KB27/515/5f)

LANGHAM, William de:
A vicar, Norfolk (CP40/407/333f)

LANGHAM, John de:
Of Gosberkyrke, a chaplain, 1390 Lincolnshire (KB27/515/41f)

LANGHAM, Philip de:
Of Grantham, a chaplain, 1324 Lincoln (CP40/253/156f)

LANGLEY, John de:
A chaplain, 1315 Derby (KB27/222/172f)

LANGONE, Peter de:
Prebendary of the prebend of Preston and parson of the church of Little Wenlok, 1296 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p286)

LANGTOFT, Alan de:
Of York, a chaplain, 1324 York (CP40/253/530f)

LANGTOFT, Robert de:
Parson of the church of Muchelewichford, 1332 Wiltshire (CP40/288/440d)

LANGTOFT, Master William de:
Parson of the church of Gosberkirk, 1311 Lincoln (CP40/185/35 & 79)

LANSELL, Simon de:
Parson of the church of Marsham, 1332 Shropshire (CP40/288/815)
LARCHER, Richard:
Parson of the church of Ihvynden, 1350 Warwick (CP40/363/442f)

LARDANT, Ralph de:
A chaplain, 1327 York (CP40/271/63f)

LARGE, Henry le:
Of Mene, a chaplain, 1327 Surrey (CP40/271/109f)

A chaplain, 1306 Northampton (CP40/160/449f)

LATON, Thomas de:
Parson of the church of Merok, 1354 (KB27/377/3540)

LAUDA, Henry de:
A chaplain, 1355 Buckingham (CP40/381/8425)

LAUFARE, John de:
Parson of the church of Sauccampe, 1297 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p261)

Parson of the church of Ash, 1332 Bedford (CP40/290/160)

A chaplain, 1399 Nottingham (CP40/552/501f)

Parson of the church of Hameldon, 1294 Buckingham (CP40/106/165f)

LAURENCE, Geoffrey:
A chaplain, 1338 Norfolk (KB27/313/665)

LAVANIA, Master Albertinus de:
Canon of the church of St Mary Salisbury, 1297 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p275)

LAVANNIA, Brancaleo de:
Parson of the church of Tyriton (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p267)

LAVANTA, William de:
A chaplain, 1306 Berkshire (CP40/160/389f)

LAVENHAM, Robert de:
A monk of Colne abbey, 1325 Essex (KB27/262/380)

LAVINTON, Robert de:
Parson of the church of Estcleydon, 1297 (CP40/116/15f)

Vicar of the church of Spersholte, 1297 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p288)

Rector of the church of Kingsdowne, Kent, 2.8.1300 (CKS: CCA-DCc-ChAnt/M/375)

Vicar of the church of Little Greenwich, c1303 (CKS: ES Roll 326)

LECH, Master Robert de:
Parson of the churches of Marteley and Chetel, 1294 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p120)

LECHE, John:
Parson of the church of Berneseye, 1347 Norfolk (CP40/352/21f)

LEDECUMBE, William de:
Parson of the church of Haveresham (Haversham), 1306 Buckingham (CP40/158/523f)

LEDES, John de:
Parson of the church of Esthorslee (East Horsley), 1353 Surrey (KB27/373/1491f)

LEDES, Roger de:
Vicar of the church of Dalston, 1361 Cumberland (CP40/407/211f)

LEE, Philip de la:
Parson of the church of Forton, 1332 Essex (CP40/288/426d)

LEE, Richard de la:
Parson of the church of Bradewell, 1332 London (CP40/288/8d)

LEE, Roger of the:
Parson of the church of Knolton, Kent, 1293 (JUST1/373/1394f)

LEEK, John de:
Dead by 1355; former parson of the church of Benyngton, 1355 Lincoln (CP40/381/8625)

LEGARD, Master Robert:
Parson of the church of Stikene (Stickney), 1332 Lincoln (CP40/289/21d)

LEGAT, Simon:
A chaplain, 1348 Hertford (KB27/351/1932f)

LEGER, William:
Parson of the moiety of the church of Bekesford, 1332 Lincoln (CP40/288/Lincoln (CP40/288/567d)

LEGFORD, John de:
Late parson of the church of Wodyngton (woodington), 1327 Hampshire (CP40/271/77f)

LEGH, William de:
Parson of the church of Jacobstowe, 1297 (Edw I, Vol 3, p282)

LEGHTON, William de:
Parson of the church of Fennystanton (Fenstanton), 1348 Norfolk (KB27/351/1938f)

LEICESTER, Robert de:
Parson of the church of Silbisdon, 1311 Leicester (KB27/226/321), 1323 Leicester (CP40/247/10f)

LEIGH, Simon de la:
A chaplain, 1361 (CP40/407/185f)

LEKINGFELD, Richard de:
A chaplain, 1399 York (CP40/552/154f)

LEMAN, Alan:
Of Kirkeby, a chaplain, 1309 Norfolk (CP40/174/613f), of Estkirkeby (East Kirkby), 1324 Norfolk (CP40/253/190d)

LENEY, John:
A chaplain, 1329 York 9KB27/276/116)

LENNE, Henry de:
A chaplain, 1293 Norfolk (JUST1/373/5293f)

LENNE, Henry de:
Parson of the churches of Ryston and Assheby, 1294 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p120)

LENTON, John de:
Parson of the church of Billesdon, Norwich diocese Northampton (KB27/222/19f)

LEICESTRE, Philip de:
Dead by 1332; former parson of the church of Sibbesdon (Sibbeston), 1332 Leicester (CP40/290/143d)

LEICESTER, Master Richard de:
Parson of the church of Erdon, 1298 Northampton (CP40/122/47f)

LEICESTRE, Thomas de:
Parson of the church of Clyfton Caumvill (Clifton Campville), 1332 Stafford (CP40/288/203d), 1332 Warwick (CP40/288/214d)

LEICESTER, William de:
He was presented to the church of Tunstall, in the diocese of Norwich, 6.11.1310 (Patent Roll)

LEYCESTRE, William de:
Parson of the church of Morton, 1324 Leicester (CP40/253/179f)

LEMAN, Alan:
Of Kyrkeby, a chaplain, 1324 Norfolk (CP40/253/72d)

Parson of the church of Suthtaunton, 1296 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p286)

LENEBALD, Master Richard:
Parson of the churches of Shottele and Bromeswell, 1294 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p120)

LEO, Brother:
Custos of the church of All Saints of Wrytele (Writtle), 1323 Essex (CP40/247/219f), 1324 Essex (CP40/253/154d), 1324 Cambridge CP40/253/438d & 485d)

LESTY, Simon:
Of Kyngesclyve (Kingscliff), a chaplain, 1355 Northampton (CP40/381/8557)

LETHE, Richard son of William le:
Of Magna Teye, a chaplain, 1298 Essex (CP40/122/336f)

LEVELAND, Master Thomas de:
Dead by 1306, a clerk Suffolk (CP40/160/239f)

Parson of the church of Everesam, 1370 Cambridge (CP40/437/3026)

A chaplain, of Alkemounbury (Almondbury), 1372 Lincoln (CP25/1/142/138 No 3)

LEVERYNGTON, Gilbert de:
A chaplain, 1338 Cambridge (CP40/313/193)

LEVERYNGTON, Martin son of Adam de:
A chaplain, 1311 Cambridge (CP40/185/268)

LEWIN, John:
A chaplain, of Chesterton, 1296 Cambridge (CP40/111/212f), 1297 Cambridge (CP40/116/54f)

LEXINTON, William de:
Dean of Lincoln, parson of the church of All Saints Derby, 1266 Derby (KB26/176/27f)

LEYCESTR’, Henry de:
Parson of the church of Donynton, 1324 Northampton (CP40/253/51d)

LEYCESTRE, Master Ralph de:
Parson of the church of Sutham, 1297 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p288)

LEYCESTR’, Master Richard de:
Parson of the church of Cydon, 1302 Northampton (KB27/167/2347)

LEYCESTRE, Master Robert de:
Parson of the church of Kyvele, 1294 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p267

LEYCESTR’, Robert de:
Parson of the church of Sibesdon, 1324 Leicester (CP40/253/140d)

LEYCESTRE, William de:
Parson of the church of Hereford, 1297 (Edw I, Vol 3, p282)

LEYDOK, William:
A clerk, 1370 Cornwall (KB27/440/11)

LEYRE, John:
Parson of the church of Dodyngton (Doddington), 1380 Northampton (KB27/479/130f)

Parson of the church of Lofthus, 1306 York (CP40/158/168f), 1311 York (CP40/185/99)

LEYTON, Richard de:
A chaplain, 1311 Oxford (KB27/226/190)