EPPEWELL, John de:
Late parson of the church of Wodestrete London, 1332 London (CP40/288/145d)

ERESWELLE, Master Robert de:
Parson of a moiety of the church of Fressingfield, 1297 Suffolk (CP40/116/49f)

ERNELEY, Richard de:
Vicar of the church of Billyngeshurst (Billingshurst), Chichester diocese, 1362 Middlesex (CP40/408/59f)

ESFELD, William:
A chaplain, 1380 Essex (KB27/479/192f)

ESHE, William:
A chaplain, 1399 Norfolk (CP40/552/377f)

Parson of the church of Ywhurst (Ewhurst), 1399 Surrey (CP40/552/565f)

EST, William:
Of Dunton, a chaplain, 1332 Norfolk (CP40/288/790, 795 & 1d)

A chaplain, 1324 Somerset (CP40/253/728f)

ESTDENE, William de:
Parson of the church of Leverington, 1306 Hampshire (CP40/158/136f)

ESTDENE, William de:
Parson of the church of Estangerie, 1309 Sussex (CP40/174/303f)

ESTDON, William de:
Parson of the church of Eneford (Enford), 1298 Wiltshire (CP40/122/198f)

ESTHAMME, James de:
A chaplain, 1348 Essex (KB27/351/1873f)

ESTON, Michael de:
Parson of the church of Erchesfonte, 1324 Hampshire (CP40/253/27d)

ESTRIK, Thomas de:
A chaplain, 1314 York (CP40/205/544)

ESTRYNGTON, Thomas de:
A chaplain, 1349, Lincoln (KB27/357/8835f)

A chaplain, 1399 Lincoln (CP40/522/72f)

A chaplain, 1327 Norfolk (CP40/269/73f)

ETON, John de:
A chaplain, 1361 Nottingham (CP40/407/210f)

ETON, Brother Thomas de:
A monk at Thorney Abbey, 1315 Northampton (KB27/222/105f)

ETON, Master William de:
Parson of the church of Chilton 1297 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p275)

EURE, Thomas de:
Parson of the church of Brichull, former parson of the church of Gatton, 1324 Surrey (CP40/253/346d0

Parson of the church of St Clidero, 1294 Cornwall (CP40/106 638f)

Vicar of the church of Leck (Leek), 1296 Derby (CP40/111/235f)

Vicar of the church of Tatyngton, 1298 Hereford (CP40/122/218f)

Rector of the church of Westbere, Kent, 2.8.1300 (CKS: CCA-DCc-ChAnt/M/375)

EVERDONE, John de:
Revocation of presentation to the church of Brynton, notified to the bishop of Lincoln, 5.10.1309 (Patent Roll)

EVERDON, William de:
Clerk Worcester, 1344 (CP40/337/703f)

EVERESDON, Robert de:
Dead by 1306; former parson of the church of Ludeton, 1306 (CP40/158/568f)

EVERLEE, Edmund de:
Parson of the church of Sidebury, 1307 Buckingham (KB27/187/855f)

EVERTON, Hugh de:
A chaplain, 1324 Huntingdon (CP40/253/472f)

EVESHAM, Master Hugh de:
Parson of a moiety of the church of Aketon, 1272 York (JUST1/913/2004f)

EVESHAM, Hugh de:
Late parson of the church of St Mary Berkhamsted, Hertford, 1344 (CP40/337/652f)

EVESHAM, John de:
Parson of the church of Lodelowe (Ludlowe), 1332 Shropshire (CP40/288/66)

EVESHAM, Ranulph de:
Vicar of the church of St Ethelbert, Hereford, 1297 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p286)

EVESHAM, Thomas de:
Parson of the church of Seddeby, Warwick 1335 (CP40/304/1084)

EXON, Master William de:
Dead by 1362; late canon of the church of St Peter York, and prebendary of the prebend of Rikhall (Riccall), 1362 York (CP40/407/69f)

EYE, John de:
A chaplain, 1327 Rutland (CP40/269/91f)

EYFORD, Henry de:
Parson of the church of Dychford Frary (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p267)

EYMELAD, Robert de:
Vicar of the church of Aylerbyr (Aylesbury), 1298 Buckingham (CP40/122/372f)

Late choral vicar of cathedral church of St Mary Lincoln, 1399 (CP40/552/260f)

EYR, John le:
Parson of the church of Hecham, he had a brother Roger, 1306 Suffolk (CP40/160/2238d)

EYR, Thomas:
A chaplain, 1402 Lincoln (CP40/566/701)