DUBEL, Thomas:
Parson of the church of Framesdene (Framsden) 1324 Suffolk (CP40/253/485d)

Vicar of the church of St Mary of Stallis Bathon (St Mary the Virgin, Bath), 1324 Somerset (CP40/253/459d)

Parson of the church of Quatte (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p267)

DUFFIELD, Henry de:
A chaplain, he was presented as vicar to the church of Ewell, in the diocese of Canterbury, in the King’s gift, by reason of the lands and tenements of the Templars being in the King’s hands, 6.11.1310 (Patent Roll)

Of Scarle, parson of the church of Kyrkeby on Bayne of Carlisle, 1404 (PR: Henry IV, Vol 2, p460)

DUFFELD, Richard de:
Parson of the church of Lutheburgh, 1332 Lincoln (CP40/288/343d)

DUFFELD, William:
Parson of the church of Wylughby (Willoughby), 1361 Nottingham (CP40/407/368f)

DUK', John le:
A chaplain, 1324 Essex (CP40/253/126d)

DUKET, Hugh:
Parson of the church of Wassingburgh (Washingborough), 1306 Lincoln (CP40/160/130f)

DULLOK, William:
Vicar of the church of Woolavyngton, Diocese of Bath and Wells, 1402 (PR: Henry IV, Vol 2, p60)

DUNCE, John:
A chaplain, 1380 Kent (KB27/479/33f)

DUNE, Robert de la:
Parson of the church of Wolyngham, 1294 Lincoln (CP40/106/193f & 516f)

DUNE, Thomas de:
Parson of the church of Heaumton (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p267)

DUNE, William de la:
A clerk, 1302 Lancaster (CP40/141192)

DUNHAM, Hugh de:
A chaplain, 1332 Kent (CP40/288/530d)

DUNHAM, Stephen de:
A chaplain, 1306 (CP40/160/2192d)

DUNNESLE, John de:
Parson of the church of Wodelounde (Woodland) 1332 Kent (CP40/288/473d)

DUNSTABLE, William de:
Parson of the church of Chesterford, 1344 (CP40/337/445)

DUNSTOWE. Thomas de:
Vicar of the church of St Ethelreda de Histon, 1344 (CP40/337/525f)

DURANT, Peter:
Parson of the church of St Dunstan next the Tower, London, 1344 (CP40/337/392f)

Parson of the church of St Mary Maydenwell, 1297 Northampton (CP40/118/113f), 1306
Suffolk (CP40/160/317f), Rutland (CP40/160/278f)

A chaplain, 1361 Gloucester (CP40/407/71f)

DUTON, Richard de:
A chaplain, 1332 Norfolk (CP40/288/81)

Dead by 1332; former parson of the church of Sandal, 1332 Sussex (CP40/288/287d)

DYGELL, Robert:
A chaplain, 1332 York (CP40/288/628d)

DUYT, John:
Parson of the church of Milstede (Milstead), 1353 Kent (KB27/373/1440f)

DYKE, Alexander de:
A clerk, 1314 Gloucester (CP40/204/28)

DYKEMAN, Richard:
Of Foxton, he was vicar of the church of Wendey, 1361 Cambridge (CP40/407/323f)

DYMETON, Edmund de:
Parson of the church of Catthorp, 1324 Lincoln (CP40/253/9f)

DYMETON, John de:
Parson of the church of Treton, 1298 York (CP40/122/92f)

DYMMYNG, Robert:
Parson of the church of All Hallows on the Walls in Exeter, 1415 (PR: Henry V, Vol 1, p369)

DYNYNGTON, Richard son of Richard de:
Parson of the church of Crathorn, 1332 York (CP40/289/22d)

DYNGELE. Hugh de:
Parson of the church of Dingley, Leicester, 1344 (CP40/337/651f)

DYTENESHALLE, Master Henry de:
Parson of the church of Keleby, 1306 Leicester (CP40/160/708f)

DYTTON, Walter de:
Parson of the church of Magna Waldingfeld, 1306 Norfolk (CP40/158/485f)