ABBE, Dominus John:
Vicar of Patching, Sussex, 31.10.1396 (CKS: CCA-DCc-ChAnt/P/80)

ABBYNDON, John de:
A chaplain, 1298 Northampton (CP40/122/47f & 82f)

Parson of the church of Bromley, 1273-1281 (JUST1/1226/3312)

ABEL, John:
A chaplain, 1327 Northumberland (CP40/268/82f)

Of Dorne, a chaplain, 1325 Gloucester (KB27/262/399)

ABYEN, Walter:
Parson of the church of Fakenham, 1338 Hampshire (KB27/313/525)

ACON, John:
Vicar of the church of Fremington, 1399 Devon (CP40/552/169f)

ABEL, John:
A chaplain, 1329 Northumberland (KB27/276/160)

ABEL, William:
Parson of the church of Linleye, 1297 (PR: Edw I, Vol 3, p261)

ABELOT, William:
A chaplain, 1321 Norfolk (KB27/245/85)

ABENDENE, Richard de:
Rector of the church of Aldington, Kent c 1294 (CKS: ES Roll/213)

ABRAHAM, Hugh son of William:
Of Suthekinton, a chaplain, 1302 Lincoln (KB27/167/2306)

D’ACRE, Nicholas:
Late parson of the church of Poringlond (Poringland), 1324 Norfolk (CP40/253/155d); see also Dacre

ADAM, William:
Of Wyvvenho (Wivenhoe), a chaplain, 1324 Essex (CP40/253/175d)

ADDYRSTON, Henry de:
A chaplain, 1399 Leicester (CP40/552/260f)

ADYNGTON, John de:
A chaplain, 1308-1310 Lincoln (JUST1/1347/286f)

AETE, Robert de:
Parson of the church of Erdyngelegh (Ardingly), 1297 Sussex (CP40/118/74f), 1298 Sussex (CP40/122/291f & 399f)

Parson of the church of Castre, 1306 Warwick (CP40/160/168f)

AGALD'N, John:
A chaplain, 1399 Derby (CP40/552/238f)

AGLIONBY, Adam de:
Parson of the church of Skelton, diocese of Carlisle 1406 (PR: Rich II, Vol 3, p116)

AINESLEYE, de Robert:
Parson of the church of Bildesthorp (Bilsthrope), 1324 Nottingham (CP40/253/347d)

AKER, Nicholas de:
Parson of the church of Brighteston, 1324 Hampshire (CP40/253/598d)

ALIBON, William:
A chaplain, 1370 Derby (CP40/437/2247)