Extracted from A Jacob Bibliography by Kenneth Jacob
England in India: A poem ( reprinted from the Wykehamist ).
Winchester: P & G Wells (1914); 18pp; 80.
BL 011649 e 88
Another copy.
BL 011649 eee 76
The Medieval Registers of Canterbury and York
London: St Anthony’s Press; 16pp; 22 cm.
HA 005431820
Crumpt (Charles G.) and Jacob (E F). The Legacy of the Middle Ages.
Oxford University Press, 1926; 80.
BL 010106 e 18.
Another copy
Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1951.
xii; p549; front; 41 pl (incl facsims); 20 cm;
LC 27003663
Another copy
HA 007295190
Another copy
HA 007282388
Another copy
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1938. xii; 549pp; (1)p; 41pl (incl facsims); 19 cm.
HA 006997345
Another copy
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927. xii; 548pp; 41 pl (incl facsims); 20 cm.
HA 007838798
The Holy Roman Empire. ( Benn’s sixpenny library No 9 ).
London, 1928; 79pp.
BL 12199 c 1/9
See Bemont ( C ), Simon de Montford... translated by E. F. Jacob, 1930, 80.
BL 010815 h 33
Another copy xxxix; p303; front; plates; facsim; 23 cm;
Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1930.
LC 30019982
Contributions to the study Some recent of the later Middle Ages
p30; 23 cm; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1951.
LC a 52009302
The Fifteenth Century. Some recent interpretations... reprinted from the ‘Bull
of the JRL’ etc...
p26; Manchester, 1930; 80.
BL 09073 d 35.
Florida Verborum Venustas. Some early examples of Eupuism--- England... (mainly
on writings of John of Whethamstede, abbot of St Albans), reprinted from the
Bulletin etc.
Manchester, 1933; 80.; 29pp.
BL 20016 dd 27.
See Tait (James) of Owen’s College, Manchester. BL 9502 d 23. Historical
Essays in Honour of James Tait.
Edited by J. G. Edwards...
1933; 40.
Dietrich of Niem: His place in the conciliar movement.... reprinted from the
‘B o t j r ol’...
p25; Manchester University Press: Manchester, 1935; 80.
BL 20019 d 4.
English university clerks in the later Middle Ages: The problem of maintenance.
p24; 27 cm; Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1946.
LC 47028740
See Canterbury, Province of (Official Documents). The Register of Henry Chichele,
by E. F. Jacob etc.
1937; 80.
BL Ac 8112 c/4.
Cusanus the theologian... reprinted from the ’B o t j r ol’...;
Manchester University Press:
Manchester 1937; 80; 19pp.
BL 20031 i 2.
The brethren of the common life... reprinted from the B o j r l..,. etc. Manchester
University Press. John Rylands
Library; Manchster, 1940; 80 ; 24pp. BL 20033 dd 4.
Charles Bemont and his services to English history... from the proceedings
of the British Academy.
London: Humphrey Milford, 1940; 80; 10pp
BL 010655 cc 33.
The collapse of France in 1418-20.... reprinted from the ‘B o t j r l’
etc. Manchester, 1942; 80.
BL 09231 i 30.
Essays in the conciliar epoch. Pviii, 264,(??????); Manchester University Press:
Manchester 1943; 80.
BL 4535 g 2.
Another copy,
Second edition; Viii, p264; Manchester: Manchester University Press,1953; 80.
BL 4572 c 17.
Another copy
viii; 192p; 23 cm; Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1943.
LC a 44003224
Another copy (revised edition Notre Dame Ind.)
University of Notre Dame Press, 1963; viii,
p264; 22cms.
NUC 64-13779.
Bibliography, references, included in ‘Notes and comments on chapters
I to X ( p240 - 252 ).
NUC 63-15295.
The book of St Albans... (A lecture). Reprinted from the ‘Bulletin of
the John Rylands Library’.... with facsimile.
P22; Manchester, 1944; 80.
BL 11859 i 41.
Another copy
LC a 46004227
Another copy p22; facsim; 26 cm; The Manchester University Press, and the librarian,
the John Rylands Library, 1944.
LC 45004570
John of Roquetaillade
p75-96; facsim; 27 cm; Manchester: 1956
LC a 57004887
English University Clerks in the late Middle Ages: The problem of maintenance...
reprinted from the ‘B o t j r l’ etc...
p24; Manchester, 1946; 80.
BL 8366 i 28.
Another copy
p304-325; 27 cm; Manchester, 1946.
LC a 46006204
Henry V and the invasion of France (with a portrait). (Teach yourself history).
Xiii, p207; London: Hodder and Stoughton, for the English Universities Press,
1947; 80.
BL WP 1030/11
Henry V and the invasion of France. First printed 1947, 2nd impression. English
University Press (1963).
18cms; (teach yourself history library)
xiii, p207, maps;
NUC 68-47486.
Another copy
xiii; p207; illus; 23 cm; Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1984.
LC 84000598
Another copy
London: Hodder & Stoughton for the English Universities Press (1947).
HARV 002472258
Reynold Pecock, Bishop of Chichester.
p121-153; 26 cm; London: 1953
LC a 54001562
Another copy
L (Cumberlege) (1951?)
HARV 005734266
Some Recent contributions to the study of the later ages, an inaugural lecture
delivered before the University of Oxford on 28th February 1951.
HARV 005431154
Henry Chichele and the ecclesiastical polictics of his age.
P26; London: Athelone Press, 1952; 80. (Creighton Lecture in History 1951)
BL 4049/2.
Ditto; new revised edition.
P157; 18cms; New York: Collier Books, c 1966.
NUC 70-31504.
Archbishop Henry Chichele.
Ix, p133, front ( port ), 22.5cms. London: Nelson,1967.
NUC 67-100493
Another copy
HARV 002765725
Archbishop John Stafford ( in Royal Historical Society, London. Transactions
) 5th series.
P1-23. 22cms. London. 1962.
LC a 63000531
Italian Renaissance Studies; a tribute to the late Cacilia M. Ady.
P507; plates; portrait; facsimile; 23cms; bibliography; footnotes; London: Faber
and Faber (1960).
Another copy
p3-507; 21 plates; 22 cm; London: Faber, 1966.
LC 67085741
New York: Barnes and Noble, 1960.
NUC 60-50856.
Ditto. (Faber paper covered editions).
Iii, p507; 21 plates; 21.5 cms; London: Faber (1966).
NUC 6785741.
p507; plates; 1966; 22cms.
BL x 709/4417.
John of Roquetailade ( in John Rylands Library, Manchester. Bulletin, Manchester.
‘The Seton memorial lecture given at University College London in 1954’.
P75-96, 27cms. Manchester V39 (1956).
BL A 57-4887.
Essays in later medieval history ( compiled by E. F. Jacob ).
Manchester University Press, Manchester; New York; Barnes and Noble, 1968. (8),
p223; facsims; 23cmas.
NUC 68-118252
Another copy (compiled by E Jacob).
viii; p223; facsims; 23 cm; Manchester: Manchester University Press; New York:
Barnes and Noble, 1968.
Another copy
HARV 002713021
See Cratser (Sir Herbert, H. E.). The history of All Souls College Library....
edited by E. F. Jacob (All Souls College Studies Group);
p128; illus; plates; ports; 22 cm. London: Faber.
BL Ac 9233co/10 (6).
Another copy
LC 71884868
Another copy
HARV 004502247
Studies in the period of baronial reform and rebellion 1258 - 1267 by E. F.
Jacob; reprint of 1925 edition published by Clarendon Press Oxford, which was
issued as V 8, No 14 of Oxford Studies in Social Studies and legal history.
New York: Octagon Books, 1974; xiv, p443; 23cms.
LC 73022287
Petitions for benefices from English universities during the great schism
p41-59; 22 cm.
LC a 46002979
The Rennaissance by E. F. Jacob. Reprint of 1930 edition published by E. Benn,
London, in series. Benn’s sixpenny library.
Philadelphia: R. West, 1978; p80; 23cms;
LC 78008206
Another copy, Norwood, PA: Norwood Editions, 1977.
LC 77027451
Another copy
p80; 24 cm; Folcroft, Pa: Folcroft Library Editions, 1974
LC 74023590
The concilar movement in recent study ( in John Rylands Library, Manchester,
Bulletin. ‘A lecture delivered in John Rylands Library on Wednesday 11th
December 1957. Biblio footnotes.
P26-53. 25cms. 1958. A 59-1209
Another copy
v 41 (1958); p26-53; 25 cm; Manchester (nd)
LC a 59001209
Another copy
HARV 006719248
Some English documents of the conciliar movement
p39; 26 cm; Manchester: The Manchester University Press, 1931.
LC 41042017
Another copy In John Rylands Library, Manchester. Bulletin, Manchester, 1931.
v. 15; p358-394; 26 cm.
HARV 005741129
The Fifteenth Century, some recent interpretations. In John Rylands Library,
Manchester. Bulletin, Manchester, 1930.
v 14; p386-409; 26 cm.
HARV 005741127
The fifteenth century 1399-1485.
Xvi, p775, maps (part fold).23cms. (the oxford history of England Pt 6. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1961.
NUC 61-66708
The collapse of France in 1419-20
p307-326; 27 cm; Manchester, 1942.
LC a 45001647
What we defend: Essays in freedom by members of the University of Manchester.
p174; 20 cm; (London) Oxford University Press, 1942.
LC 42022940
Papers of Sir Paul Vinogradoff (1854-1925). Authors include E F Jacob
HARV 005595625