Court Book of the Manor of Rusthall in the parish of Speldhurst, Kent, 1716.
[original in Latin] – translated and abstracted by Geoffrey Copus.

Manor and Borough of Rusthall in the Hundred of Watchlingstone.
View of Frankpledge and Court Baron of Francis Dashwood Knight and Baronet, Lord of the said Manor, held there on 5 September and continued to 6 September 1716 before Thomas Medley, Esq., Steward.

[View of Frankpledge]
Headborough: William Welford, Headborough, appeared.
Ale Taster: James Latter, Ale Taster, appeared.
Keeper of the Pound [Custos Parci] : Edmund Baker was the Keeper but is now dead.

Jurors: William Welford, Richard Fry, Wiliam Jeffery, Thomas Appleby, William Weller, William Hollamby, Thomas Hollamby, John Hollamby, Edward Jarret, Michael Elmes, Edward Allen, Joseph Maynard, William Canfield, Joseph Brackpool, William Maynard, William Crisp, John Wood, Charles Speed, Richard Brooker, Samuel Waghorne, John Mercer, Henry Adams, Robert Mercer.

Election of Headborough:
the Jury aforesaid nominate Thomas Humphrey and John Kippingham to the office of Headborough for the ensuing year, and the said Thomas Humphrey is elected, and sworn into office by the Steward.

Election of Ale Taster:
the Jury nominate William Jeffery for the office of Ale Taster, and he is elected and sworn by the Steward well to execute his office.

Now of the Court Baron.

Bailiff: Richard Taylor gentleman appeared by William Baker his deputy.
Bedell: Elias Gilbert appeared.

Homage: Richard Fry, Michael Elmes, Edward Allen, William Weller, William Jeffery, William Baker, William Baines, William Hollamby, John Bassett, Isaac Luckhurst, Thomas Hollamby, William Welford, John Mercer, William Coife, Edward Jarrett, Samuel Waghorne, John Wool.
[ Note: the first entry is given in full, to show the way in which presentments were made; subsequent entries are abstracted, with details of quitrents and Reliefs. I have however noted the few significant deviations from the common form - two references to Dead Heriots, and one entry mentioning the seizure of a cow value £3 as a Heriot. ]
Death of --- Smith, Esq. The Homage present that --- Smith Esq., who held of the Lord of this Manor as of the Manor aforesaid freely to him and his heirs by Fealty, Suit of Court, Heriot and Relief when it happens, and by the annual quitrent of 8d., a piece or parcel of land called Old Reed alias Hollow Reed containing by estimation 10 acres more or less, lying near Rusthall in Speldhurst adjacent to the land of Thomas Moon, formerly being the land of Robert Smith Esq., has died. Heriot due, being the best beast belonging to the said --- Smith Esq. at the time of his death. Relief, 2d., being one quarter of the rent. Sydney Smith, a child aged 10 years, is his only son and heir. The Bailiff is ordered to distrain on the said land for the Relief.

Recognition of John Bassett. To this Court came John Bassett, who is recognised as tenant at a quitrent of two shillings and threepence halfpenny of a messuage, a barn and several pieces of land containing 30 acres in Speldhurst, formerly the lands of John Silcocks, and he made his Fealty.

Recognition of Richard Fry. To this Court came Richard Fry, who is recognised as tenant at a quitrent of seven shillings and twopence halfpenny altogether of four tenements, now separate, by four separate quitrents of four shillings and ninepence halfpenny, seventeen pence, seven pence and five pence, with several pieces of land adjoining called Mitchells and Broadfields, containing by estimation 80 acres in Speldhurst, formerly the holdings of Thomas Fry his father, and he made his Fealty.
Death of Richard Chiverton, Knight. Richard Chiverton, Knight, who held by quitrent of 20 pence a messuage and several pieces of land called Godlys containing by estimation 30 acres in Speldhurst has died - Relief 5d.

--- formerly the wife of John Charlton Esq., ----, now or formerly the wife of Andrew Charlton Esq. and ---, now or formerly the wife of Daniel Nicolls Esq. are his daughters and coheirs. The Bailiff is to distrain for Relief etc.

Alienation of Charlton and others to John Brett. The said John Charlton and --- his wife, Andrew Charlton and --- his wife and Daniel Nicolls and ---- his wife formerly alienated (as it is said) a tenement called Blackhouse and two rods of land lying near Rusthall in Speldhurst, being parcel of lands called Godlys, to John Brett gentleman and his heirs. The quitrent is apportioned in Court at 2d. Relief a halfpenny for which the Bailiff is to distrain.

Recognition of Thomas Hollamby. To this Court came Thomas Hollamby who is recognised as tenant at a quitrent now apportioned in court of 14d., of a messuage, a barn and several pieces of land containing by estimation 7 acres near Lockyers Gate in Speldhurst, formerly the holding of Thomas Bourne. He paid threepence halfpenny relief, and made his Fealty.

Alienation - William Weller to George Hooper. William Weller held by quitrent, now apportioned in Court at 6d., two pieces of land being parcel of lands formerly Bournes, containing by estimation 4 acres, near Lockyers Gate in Speldhurst. He has alienated it to George Hooper of Tunbridge gentleman and his heirs - Relief one penny halfpenny, for which the Bailiff is to distrain.

Recognition of Nicolas Wood. To this Court came Nicolas Wood who is recognised as tenant , holding to him and his two sons and heirs by quitrent now apportioned in Court at 4d. a parcel of land formerly Bournes, called Jacksons Croft, containing by estimation one acre and one rod, lying near to Rusthall in Speldhurst. He paid 1d. Relief and made his Fealty.

Recognition of Susan Baker, spinster. To this Court came Susan Baker spinster who is recognised as tenant at a quitrent now apportioned in Court at 10d. for 3 pieces of land formerly Bournes, containing 5 acres, lying by the lane leading from Rusthall to Farneham She paid twopence halfpenny Relief and made her Fealty.

Recognition of William Welford. To this Court came William Welford and was recognised as tenant at a quitrent now apportioned in Court of a penny halfpenny of a parcel of land formerly Bournes containing one rod, on which a house called by the name of "le Hand and Scepter" has been built, lying between Rusthall and Lockyers Gate in Speldhurst. He paid a halfpenny Relief and made his Fealty.

Alienation of Jefferey to Edward Allen. Reuben Jefferey held a tenement and 3 rods of land near Lockyers Gate in Speldhurst by quitrent of twopence farthing. He has alienated the premises to Edward Allen of Tunbridge Walks and his heirs. Relief - a halfpenny. Edward Allen was present in Court and made his Fealty.

Death of Robert Hollamby. Robert Hollamby held by quitrent of two shillings and threepence halfpenny a messuage, a barn and four hundred acres of land called Great Dornden at Lockyers Gate in Speldhurst. He has died - Relief sixpence halfpenny. By his will he left the premises to Ann his wife during the minority of his son John, and then to the said John and his heirs. Ann has married John Wool, and they were present in Court, paid the Relief and made Fealty.

Recognition of Edward Jarrett. Edward Jarrett is recognised at tenant of a messuage, orchard and parcel of land containing by estimation 2 acres near Rusthall Common in Speldhurst, by quitrent of 6d., formerly of John Mercer of Hartridge. He was present in Court and made his Fealty.

Recognition of John Mercer. John Mercer is recognised as tenant of a moiety of 7 acres of land on which a messuage and barn are now built, lying adjoining Rusthall Common in Speldhurst, by a penny halfpenny quitrent, formerly of Thomas Weller. John was present in Court and made his Fealty.

Alienation of Weller to John Mercer. Thomas Weller, who held by quitrent of a penny halfpenny the other moiety of the said 7 acres of land, has alienated it to John Mercer and his heirs - Relief a halfpenny. John Mercer was present in Court and made his Fealty.

Recognition of William Weller. To this Court came William Weller and was recognised as tenant of a messuage, garden, orchard and 8 pieces of land containing 17 acres near Rusthall in Speldhurst, formerly Curds, by quitrent of 21d.: also 3 other pieces called Clappers of 7 acres adjacent to Luggins Lane near Rusthall, formerly Jeffereys, by quitrent of fourpence halfpenny. He made his Fealty.

Recognition of William Coife. To this Court came William Coife and was recognised as tenant of several pieces of land containing 25 acres in Speldhurst by quitrent of 21 and a half pence. He made his Fealty.

Recognition of John Hollamby. To this Court came John Hollamby and was recognised as tenant of a messuage, barn and 8 acres of land held by quitrent of one penny halfpenny, near Lockyers Gate beside [super] Rusthall Common in Speldhurst, formerly Simons. He paid a halfpenny Relief and made his Fealty.

Death of John Fry. John Fry, who held by quitrent of 12d. a messuage, barn, stable and 18 acres lying towards them [ ad inde spectam] in Speldhurst, formerly the holding of Thomas Fry his father, has died - Heriot, the best beast, Relief 3d. By his will he devised the premises to Thomas Fry his son. The Bailiff is to distrain for Relief.

Recognition of Edward Allen. To this Court came Edward Allen and Judith Allen his sister, who were recognised as tenants by quitrent of 6d. of 8 acres of woodland formerly part of the lands of John Fry aforesaid in Speldhurst, who alienated it to the said Edward and Judith on 18 May, 3 William and Mary. The said Edward Allen made his Fealty.

Alienation of Baines to Joseph Gascoigne gentleman. William Baines, who held by quitrent of 6d. two pieces of land with a messuage erected thereon near Rusthall Common in Speldhurst adjacent to land formerly of Edward Baker towards the north, to Rusthall Common towards the east and to land of Thomas Weller and John Mercer towards the south and west, alienated the premises on 10 April 1716 to Joseph Gascoigne of the parish of St. Clement the Deacon [?] in the Duchy of Lancaster [ de poch. Sti. Clementis Decanoq. in Ducas Lancastrie ] gentleman and his heirs. Relief, a penny halfpenny. The said Joseph was present in Court, paid the Relief and made his Fealty.

Licence for Joseph Gascoigne to dig turf. At this Court by the consent of the Homage Joseph Gascoigne was given licence to dig turf on the Waste or Common of the Lord to repair the piece of land called Rusthall Bowling Green, and he paid a Fine of the Lord [ effodend. petam sup. Commun. sive Vastum Dni. Hujus Manerij p. repacon. et emendacon. eujusdam pecie terr. vocat Rusthall Bowling Green Et Dat Dno. fine inde vid.]

Alienation of Willett to Henry Adams. Thomas Willett held, to him and his wife Anne for life and to the heirs of the body of the said Thomas, by quitrent of sevenpence halfpenny, a messuage, barn, garden, orchard and 5 pieces of land lying towards them formerly called Allen Johns and now called Gibbs containing 6 acres, near the place now or formerly called Gibbs Cross between Rusthall Common and Lankington Green in Speldhurst, formerly John Waghorne's. Thomas and Ann have alienated the premises to Henry Adams and his heirs - Relief 2d. Henry was in Court, paid the Relief and made his Fealty.

Recognition of Edward Allen. To this Court came Edward Allen; he and his sister Judith were recognised as tenants of a piece of land of 2 acres in Speldhurst, parcel of the aforesaid land called Allen Johns, formerly John Waghorne's, held by quitrent of twopence halfpenny. Edward made his Fealty.

Death of Henry Constable. Henry Constable who held by quitrent of 2d. a messuage and garden near Lower Green in Speldhurst, formerly Thomas Jefferys', has died. Dead Heriot 3s.4d. because he had no live beast; Relief a halfpenny. By his will he devised the premises to John Constable his son and his heirs. John was present in Court, paid the Relief and made his Fealty.

Alienation of Crundwell to John Ketch. ... Crundwell who held by quitrent of 4d. a tenement and an acre of land on which a shop has been built [ sup. qm. Shopa olim edificat] near Lower Green close to Rusthall Common in Speldhurst , formerly the land of Edward Archer, has alienated the premises to John Ketch. Relief, 1d. The said John was present in Court and made his Fealty.

Death of Mary Turner widow. Mary Turner widow held by quitrent of 20d. pieces of land called Brickhall otherwise Brickilne and Curls Land containing 16 acres lying in Farneham, and other lands called Mercers near Rusthall in Speldhurst by quitrent of 5d., formerly the lands of John Turner. She has died - Relief sixpence halfpenny.
John and Thomas Godden gentlemen of Croydon, Surrey, are her brothers and heirs. The Bailiff is to distrain on these lands for the said Relief and for Fealty to be made at the next Court.

Recognition of Francis Winnington. Francis Winnington of Broadway, Worcestershire, Esquire now holds in right of Anne his wife, only daughter of William Jackson gentleman, by quitrent of ninepence farthing, a messuage, stable, buildings and four acres of land adjoining called the Rockhouse near Rusthall Common in Speldhurst.

Recognition of Thomas Appleby. To this Court came Thomas Appleby and was recognised as tenant of a moiety of a messuage or tenement , barn and half an acre of land near Rusthall Common in Speldhurst, held by quitrent of twopence halfpenny. He was present in Court and made his Fealty.

Recognition of Samuel Waghorne. To this Court came Samuel Waghorne and was recognised as tenant of the other moiety of the said messuage or tenement, barn and half acre of land. [ quitrent not given] He was present in Court and made his Fealty.

Death of Elizabeth Colbran widow. Elizabeth Colbran widow held by quitrent of twopence halfpenny a tenement, barn and 5 acres of land adjoining at Dunny [sic] Bottom near Rusthall Common in Speldhurst. She has died - Relief, three farthings. By her will she devised the premises to Thomas and John Appleby her nephews and their heirs and now it is ordered etc. [sic]

Alienation of Hopton to Brett and Wilding. Edward Hopton held by 12d. quitrent a messuage, two barns and several pieces of land adjoining containing by estimation 20 acres. He has alienated the messuage, one barn and 7 acres to John Brett gentleman and his heirs, the quitrent for which is apportioned in Court at 8d.
The said Edward Hopton has alienated the other barn and 5 acres of land to Thomas Wilding and his heirs. The quitrent is apportioned in Court at 4d. Thomas Wilding died before the holding of this Court and by his will he left the premises to Thomas Wilding his eldest son who has also died - Relief 1d. Ann, now wife of Isaac Luckhurst, is his only sister and heir. The said Isaac was present in Court, paid the Relief and made his Fealty.

Death of Robert Hollamby. Robert Hollamby held by 12d. quitrent a messuage, a barn and 4 parcels of land containing by estimation 9 acres at Lower Green in Speldhurst, formerly the lands of Thomas Hunt deceased. Robert has died - Relief 3d. By his will he left the premises to William Hollamby his eldest son and his heirs, which William was in Court, paid the Relief and made his Fealty.

Death of Edmund Baker. Edmund Baker who held by quitrent of 12d. several parcels of land formerly of Thomas Hunt, containing by estimation 12 acres at Lower Green in Speldhurst has died - Heriot seized, a cow value £3; Relief 3d. By his will Edmund left the premises to William Baker and his heirs. William was present in Court, paid the Relief and did his Fealty.

The said Edmund Baker also held by quitrent of 3d. another piece of land formerly of Thomas Hunt containing by estimation 2 acres at Bletchers bridge - Relief, three farthings. By his will he devised the premises to Edmund, John, Walter and Thomas Baker his nephews and their heirs and it is ordered etc. [sic]
The said Edmund Baker also held by quitrent of twopence halfpenny 3 tenements, 3 gardens, a stable, barn and 3 parcels of land containing by estimation 2 acres near Rusthall Common in Speldhurst - Relief, three farthings. By his Will he left the premises as follows -
one tenement to his son William Baker and his heirs:
another tenement and barn now in the occupation of Dorcas Baker widow to the said Dorcas and her assigns for life and after her death to Edmund, John, Walter, Robert and Thomas Baker his nephews and their heirs:
one other tenement and land and the rest of the premises to Susan Baker his daughter and her heirs.
The said William Baker and Susan Baker were present in Court, paid the Relief and made their Fealty.

Death of Edward Jeffery. Edward Jeffery held by quitrent of 19d. a messuage, barn and several pieces of land called Butlers containing by estimation 20 acres at Rusthall in Speldhurst, formerly the lands of William Jeffery his father. He has died - a dead Heriot of 3s.4d. paid because he had no live beast; Relief fourpence threefarthings. By his will dated 7 July 1715 he left the premises to his son William Jeffery for life, with remainder to Edward Jeffery, eldest son of the said William, and his heirs. William was present in Court, paid the Relief and made his Fealty.

Death of John Jeffery. John Jeffery held by 13d. quitrent several parcels of land containing by estimation 20 acres at Lower Green in Speldhurst, formerly the lands of John Stace. He has died - Relief threepence farthing. Richard, John, Henry and Thomas Jeffery are his sons and heirs and it is ordered etc. [sic]

Death of Thomas Groombridge. Thomas Groombridge held by 3d. quitrent 3 parcels of landing lying near land called Michells adjoining Gibbs Cross in Speldhurst formerly the lands of -----. He has died - Relief three farthings. By his will he devised the premises to Thomas Wales his kinsman and his heirs and it is ordered etc. [sic]
Death of Reuben Jefferey. Reuben Jefferey who held by 9d. quitrent a messuage, barn and garden near Lower Green in Speldhurst has died - Relief, twopence farthing. By his will it is said that he devised the said premises to John Jefferey his brother, and his heirs, and it is ordered etc. [sic]

Alienation of Leader to Samuel White. George Leader Esq. held by quitrent of 10d. [sic] a messuage, barn and 8 acres of land lying between Rusthall Common and Lower Green in Speldhurst. He has alienated the premises to Samuel White of Lothbury in the City of London, merchant and his heirs. Relief, twopence farthing [sic] being a quarter of the quitrent. The Bailiff is ordered to distrain for the Relief.

Recognition of Ann Moon widow. Ann Moon widow is recognised as holding by quitrent of elevenpence halfpenny, to her and her assigns for life with remainder to Thomas Moon her only son and heir, a messuage, barn and several parcels of land adjoining containing [blank] acres near Rusthall Common in Speldhurst.

Presentments for Encroachments.

Debora White widow continues to use a smith's forge erected on Bishops Down, being an Encroachment on the Waste of the Lord - fined 6d.

William Jeffery has erected a smith's forge upon Bishop's Down, being the Waste of the Lord, without Licence or permission [concessione] of the Lord - fined 6d. The Bailiff is to command the said William to obtain licence from the Lord before the next Court under pain of a fine of 12d.[ I am not sure if this is a correct reading.]

Abraham Spooner gentleman has encroached on a parcel of land lying upon Bishop's Down with posts, being part of the Waste of the Lord, without Licence or permission - fined 6d. He is to remove the posts before Christmas next on pain of a fine of 12d.

The bridge leading to the Chapel at Mount Sion and the fence adjoining the Common are decayed by the fault of the tenants and occupants of land on Mount Sion in Tunbridge , who are to repair them before Christmas next under pain of a fine of 30s.

William Dewe Esq. formerly encroached on the Waste of the Lord and erected "Anglice the Front of five houses" being six feet in length and seven feet high [ ? - "sex pedes in latitud. apud un. finem inde et Septem pedes apud alter finem " ] Fined 6d. If he continues this encroachment until the next Court then a fine of 13s.4d. will be exacted.

Michael Elmes formerly encroached on the Waste of the Lord called Bishops Down by erecting a shed [" Edificij vocat a Shed " ] without Licence from the Lord. Fined 6d.
Samuel Shepherd Esq. enclosed parcels of the Waste of the Lord and formerly erected a messuage, stables and other buildings without Licence or Concession. Fined 6d. The Bailiff is to command him to remove the buildings before the next Court upon pain of a fine of 2s.6d.

William Field formerly erected a smith's forge on Bishops Down, being part of the Waste of the Lord, without Licence or concession - fined 6d.

Defaulting tenants.

The Homage present that George Lord Bergaveny, Richard Goodhugh Esq., William Dewe Esq., Francis Winington Esq., John Charlton Esq., George Hooper gentleman, John Brett gentleman, John Gooden gentleman, Thomas Gooden gentleman, Samuel White merchant, Thomas Fry, John Appleby, Thomas Wales, John Jeffery, Edmund Baker, John Baker, Walter Baker, Robert Baker, Thomas Baker, Dorcas Baker widow, Richard Jefferey, John Jefferey and Henry Jefferey are Tenants of this Manor and have defaulted - amerced 4d. each for their non-attendance at this Court.

Election of Bailiff - The Homage present William Weller for the office of Bailiff for the ensuing year and he is duly elected.

Election of Beadle - Eli Gilbert is elected.
